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REST protocol

 The REST (Representational State Transfer) protocol is a design style for building web services and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). It is based on the idea of representing the state of a resource, such as a database record or a file, using a standard set of HTTP methods, including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

REST is designed to be simple and flexible, and it does not specify a specific set of rules or requirements for how web services should be implemented. Instead, it provides a set of architectural principles that can be used to guide the design of web services and APIs.

Some key principles of the REST protocol include:

Client-server architecture: REST is based on a client-server architecture, in which the client (such as a web browser) makes requests to the server (such as a web server) and the server responds with the requested data.

Statelessness: REST is based on the idea of statelessness, which means that the server does not maintain any state or context about the client between requests. This makes it easier to scale web services and APIs and to manage the underlying resources.

Cacheability: REST allows clients to cache responses to requests, which can improve the performance and efficiency of web services and APIs.

Layered system: REST is based on a layered system, in which the client communicates directly with the server, but the server may also interact with other servers or resources in order to fulfill the request.

The REST protocol is widely used for building web services and APIs, and it is known for its simplicity and flexibility. It is used by many popular websites and services, including Twitter, Google, and Facebook.


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